Category: Television

Cool new gig at BBC America!
Hi guys. Firstly, I know I'm super late (sorry) but I want to wish you all a happy 2017! Secondly, I promise I'm going to do better at keeping you updated on my cool ventures. Now with that said, I'm very excited to announce I'm once again working with the iconic media brand I grew…

My “Empire” Experience
By now many of you may have seen my cameo appearance in last week's episode of "Empire" and trust me, I still can't believe it's real. When I first got the call from my agent letting me know I'd been invited onto the show (wow, "Empire"? Like THE "Empire"?), I wanted to scream...and loudly! Not only…

“Empire” Season 2 – the premiere!
Gearing up for a major red carpet event like the premiere for "Empire" Season 2 at Carnegie Hall, sometimes Murphy's Law sets in for me, LOL. First, my call time changes from 7pm to 5.30pm (at 3.30pm while I'm about to start getting my make-up done). Next, just as I think I'm going to make…

Sharon on Music Choice
I recently sat down with Music Choice to discuss the infamous Beyhive - yes, Beyonce's fiercely devoted fanbase. Music Choice is producing a documentary on The Hive so stay tuned to see yours truly breaking down the science behind Bey's stans. When you know your feet won't be shown on-camera. With Music Choice producer,…

Hot Talk – Sharon Carpenter On ‘The Wendy Williams’ Show
In case you missed me on Wendy Williams' 'Hot Talk' panel last Friday, here is the video. The topics up for debate - Charles Ramsey going viral (racist or not?) and whether or not a high school student should have been photographed with her baby for her yearbook. Check out the candid discussion below:…

The Supertrailer Of My New Show “The Gossip Game” Is Here!
Young women and girls always ask me for advice on how to find success in the world of entertainment and hip hop media. Words are one thing, but now I (along with 6 other women in my field) am allowing audiences to see first hand what it really takes to make it, through our new…

Pale Pops At The Golden Globes!
One of the best things about watching the Golden Globes, aside from Ricky Gervais of course (I'm a big fan), has got to be the red carpet - gazing at the gorgeous get-ups our favorite starlets are rocking to the awards. This year, there was a plethora of brightly-colored gowns but, though I appreciate the…
Check out these links
I recently had the honor of doing my first news story for BBC World News America. The report focused on the new social network Foursquare. It aired on BBC America and across the globe on BBC World. Check out my blog for a link to the story. Now if fashion and music are more your style, make sure you check out my back-stage pass to BET's top-rated show "Rip the Runway" for everything you didn't get to see on the actual broadcast. Click "read more" for both links.
And We Don’t Stop – BET Hip Hop Awards ’09
The BET Hip Hop Awards took over Atlanta earlier this month living up to this year's theme - And We Don't Stop!! Of course I was out there to give our viewers their EXCLUSIVE all-access pass to the behind-the-scenes action!You DO NOT want to miss any of it! Watch my backstage updates this week and next and catch the actual show October 27th at 8pm EST.
Backstage at 106 – The BET Awards Nominations
The BET Awards '09 is just a few weeks away. Recently the nominations were announced on 106 & Park and I was there back-stage to interview some of the a-listers who came out to help announce the nods!