Now That’s “Swag”

I heard a report on NPR that I had to share with you!  The story details the journey of a word many of us have come to know well, “swag”, from its use within hip hop to its infiltration of mainstream culture.

Most of us know the term swag is derived from “swagger” which, according to this report, was first documented in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.  Who knew?

Swag is widely used to describe style, confidence and charisma but the meaning has now spread.  Check out the report to find out more:

[wp_media media=”audio” title=”Swag: Hip-Hop’s Word Of The Year” artist=”NPR” caption=”All Things Considered” volume=0.8 urls=”″]


NPR calls “swag” hip hop’s word of the year.  I personally vote for “Kray” thanks to Jay and Ye.  What do you think?



  1. Gbryant56
    December 27, 2011

    You listen to NPR? You must be feeling my vibe.

  2. Fiona Bloom
    December 27, 2011

    Wish I could come up with something better:_))


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